Remove space around RadzenChart

Hi, how do I remove the space with the red lines?

<RadzenChart SeriesClick=@SeriesClick Style="height:100%; background-color:yellow;">

    <RadzenStackedColumnSeries Data=@MChart_Datasets[0].Items CategoryProperty="LabelValue" LineType="LineType.Solid" ValueProperty="DataValue" />

    <RadzenCategoryAxis Visible="false" />

    <RadzenValueAxis Min=@_MinValue Step=@_StepValue Max=@_MaxValue>
        <RadzenGridLines Visible="true" LineType="LineType.Dotted" />

    <RadzenLegend Visible="false" />


Hi @NymoBasePro,

You can't remove that space.

Hi @korchev thanks for your reply.
In the repository I've seen these default values are hardcoded (or so I thought).
Do you know if there are any plans to adjust that?

Not sure what values you are referring to. Why do you want to remove this space?

In RadzenChart.razor.cs

        MarginTop = MarginRight = 32;
        MarginLeft = valueAxisSize;
        MarginBottom = Math.Max(32, categoryAxisSize);

it seems that 32 is hard-coded to be the smallest default size.

The reason is that I want to use two charts under or above eachother:

I would prefer the white in between the two to be gone or limited

You can probably move the bottom chart up with negative top margin.

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That's actually a really nice suggestion! Thank you