Reinitialization of TabItem content

Hello. I have problem with reinitialization of TabItem content. When i open 2 tabs and close first tab, component in my second tab start initialize again (OnInitializedAsync is started). I've simplified the logic of my application in the example below. Is it possible to avoid this problem?


    <RadzenButton Click="@(() => AddItem(1))">Add item1</RadzenButton>
    <RadzenButton Click="@(() => AddItem(2))">Add item2</RadzenButton>    

<RadzenTabs @ref="tabs" RenderMode="TabRenderMode.Client" @bind-SelectedIndex=@selectedIndex>
        @foreach (var item in items)
            <RadzenTabsItem >
                    <RadzenStack AlignItems="AlignItems.Center" Gap="10px" 
                    <RadzenText Text="@item.Name" />
                        <RadzenButton Icon="close" Click="RemoveItem"></RadzenButton>
                    <CascadingValue Value="@item.InnerValue">                        

@code {
    RadzenTabs tabs;
    int selectedIndex = 0;

    List<TabItem> items = new List<TabItem>();       

    void AddItem(int itemNumber)
        Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
        items.Add(new TabItem
                Name = "Item" + itemNumber,
                View = CreateView(guid) as RenderFragment,
                InnerValue = $"Item{itemNumber} inner value"                

    void RemoveItem()
        if (selectedIndex >= items.Count) selectedIndex = items.Count - 1;

    private static object CreateView(Guid ID)
        RenderFragment renderFragment1 = builder =>

        return renderFragment1;


    public class TabItem
        public string Name { get; set; }

        public RenderFragment View { get; set; }

        public string InnerValue { get; set; }        



@code {
    public string Value = "";

    [CascadingParameter] public string InnerValue { get; set; }

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        await Task.Delay(5000);
        Value = InnerValue;


Changing tabs (no matter server or client render mode) will initiate StateHasChanged() of the component and since you have expression (@foreach (var item in items)) your tabs will be reinitialized. Possible approach can be if you create tabs using RenderTreeBuilder completely in code.

Calling StateHasChanged when switching and other manipulations is fine, but calling OnInitializedAsync when deleting a tab already creates problems because all the changes made to the component are lost. As far as I can see this happens only with tabs that have a higher sequence number relative to the tab I close. I.e. if in the example above I close the second tab, OnInitializedAsync is not called in the first one.

As I already noted the Blazor framework will decide this after StateHasChanged() call because of the for loop code expression. We cannot do anything to prevent this.

Roger that. Thank you very much for the clarification