Rauding issues with <router-outlet name="Forespørgsel"></router-outlet>

I'm having trouble rounding for a named router outlet like:

ie routing from

More specifically:

<rz-panelmenu-item image="./assets/images/ic_archive_white_48dp.png" text="Statistikker" [style]="{'background-color':'#6c8993'}">
<rz-panelmenu-item image="./assets/images/ic_view_module_white_48dp.png" path="forespoergelse/Bestand/(Forespoegsel:powerbi)" text="Medlemsbestand" [style]="{'background-color':'#6c8993'}">

<rz-panelmenu-item image="./assets/images/ic_view_module_white_48dp.png" path="forespoergelse/Medlemsbevægelser/(Forespoegsel:powerbi)" text="Medlemsbevægelser" [style]="{'background-color':'#6c8993'}">


export const routes: Routes = [
{path: '', redirectTo: '/forside-cards', pathMatch: 'full'},
path: '',
component: MainLayoutComponent,
children: [
path: 'send-rapport',
component: SendRapportComponent
path: 'forside-cards',
component: ForsideCardsComponent
path: 'forespoergelse/:model',
component: ForespoergelseComponent,
children: [
path: 'powerbi', component: PowerbiReportComponent,
outlet: 'Forespoegsel'
It is path="forespoergelse/Bestand/(Forespoegsel:powerbi)" that appears in the browser url as:


and then the roiding doesn't work. It should read as follows:


otherwise it will not work.

What should I do so that the path="forespoergelse/Bestand/(Forespoegsel:powerbi)" menu appears correctly in the browser?

Yours sincerely

Carsten Gissel

I am sorry but I couldn't understand what the problem is.

It is path="forespoergelse/Bestand/(Forespoegsel:powerbi)" that appears in the browser url as:
and then the roiding doesn't work. It should read as follows:

Those urls look the same to me.

Sorry Korchev i mean

path="forespoergelse/Bestand/(Forespoegsel:powerbi)" that appears in the browser url as:


and then the rauiding doesn't work. It should read as follows:


otherwise it will not work.

What should I do so that the path="forespoergelse/Bestand/(Forespoegsel:powerbi)" menu appears correctly in the browser?

Yours sincerely

Carsten Gissel

Oh I see. It seems that the RouterLink directive that the PanelMenu uses under the hood encodes the ( and ). The only suggestion I can give is to use full url:




Then the PanelMenu will use a regular <a href=""> which doesn't do any URL encoding.

Thank you,

I have had this problem before, where I have put the / in the front, forgot about it.

Yours sincerely

Carsten Gissel

Hello again
So the problem now is that the menu collapses every time you select a sub-menu item, how can I avoid it?
Yours sincerely
Carsten Gissel

You can't. The menu will auto expand only if the current page matches the item url.