Range Slider Change event


I'm trying to use a slider which is set with the "Range" property ticked to restrict data displayed in a grid. All works nicely but, I've trying to use the Change Event handler to refresh the grid using the code:

Execute this.grid0.load();

It seems that the component is not triggering the event as no refresh on the data grid is being occuring - i've checked this using Chrome developer tools.

I'm not sure if I am missing something but, the same also seems to be true looking at your demo at https://angular.radzen.com/slider where changing the range slider again doesn't seem to be showing any events (not sure if that is intentional or not).

I'm using Radzen 2.54.5.

Hi @markb,

Unfortunately there seems to be a problem with the range slider. We will investigate and release a fix with the next Radzen version.