RadzenUpload doesn't fire controller

after migrating my project to net.8 server, RadzenUpload does not invoke the controller and returns an empty error.
All other components work properly.
What am I doing wrong?
the component

<RadzenUpload Icon="upload" Complete=@(args => OnComplete(args, eTipoDocumento.RefertoDb)) Error="UploadError" Accept=".db" class="w-100"
                Url="upload/single" ChooseText="" Progress=@(args => OnProgress(args, "Solo files con estensione .db"))>
    <RadzenUploadHeader Name="Authorization" Value="@($"Bearer {eAut.Token}")" />

And controller

using Ergo.Fipav.Sol.ViewModels;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

namespace Ergo.Fipav.Sol.Controllers
    public partial class UploadController : ControllerBase
        IComitatoViewModel _comuneViewModel;
        public UploadController(IComitatoViewModel comune)
            _comuneViewModel = comune;

        public async Task<IActionResult> single(IFormFile file)
                string jwtToken = Request.Headers["Authorization"].ToString().Replace("Bearer ", "");

                await _comuneViewModel.AzzeraMessaggi();
                if (file.Length > 3000000) // 3MB
                    throw new Exception("Dimensione file eccessiva, deve essere minore di 2 MBytes");
                return Ok();
            catch (Exception ex)
                return BadRequest(ex.Message);


Check what request is made using your browser developer tools network inspector.

Thanks for the prompt response, here's the request

<input id="EPLVgU1RSE" type="file" accept=".db" onchange="Radzen.uploadInputChange(event, 'upload/single', true, false, true, '')" tabindex="-1" onkeydown="event.stopPropagation()" _bl_c99ba81a-6422-4b59-996f-2922a0dc9ec3="">

This is the HTML element and looks correct.

Check the developer tools network tab and see what the response of the upload HTTP request is.

URL richiesta:
Request Method:
Codice stato:
404 Not Found
Indirizzo remoto:
Criterio referrer:

In net 6 and net 7 everything worked fine

This means that your controller is not properly registered. I suggest troubleshooting that. RadzenUpload behaves correctly in this case.

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Thank you a lot, in Program.cs I had not mapped the controllers (in Net 7 it was not necessary)
So, for anyone who has the same problem as me

var app = builder.Build();

Problem solved