RadzenTree question

I need:

the node depth (root node =1, subnode = 2, next subnode = 3 and so on)
parent node
data object of parent node
traversal possibility of selected node up to root node (e.g. ParentNode.ParentNode.Name)

Hi @mjjalala,

This isn't currently available.

You can use the ParentItem property of a RadzenTreeItem. If it is null then the node is a root node. The Value property is the data object.

I have a Radzentree like this
I want to get MenuId for node when using ContextMent in RightClick as it is shown in the picture

@page "/"

@inject ContextMenuService ContextMenuService

<RadzenTree Data="@nodes" Expand="@OnTreeExpand" Change="@OnTreeSelectionChange" Style="width: 50%; height:520px" >
   <RadzenTreeLevel Text="@(data => ((DataNode)data).Data.ToString())"
                    Expanded="@(data => ((DataNode)data).Expanded)"
                    HasChildren="@(data => ((DataNode)data).Children != null)">
           <img src="" style="width: 20px; margin-right: 8px;" />
           <b @oncontextmenu=@(args => ShowContextMenuWithItems(args)) @oncontextmenu:preventDefault="true"> @context.Text</b>

<EventConsole @ref=@console Class="mt-4" />

@code {

   EventConsole console;
   public EventCallback<MouseEventArgs> Click { get; set; }

   public class DataNode
       public object Data { get; set; }
       public int MenuId { get; set; }
       public int MenuLevel { get; set; }
       public bool Expanded { get; set; }
       public IEnumerable<DataNode> Children { get; set; }

   DataNode[] nodes = new DataNode[]
   new DataNode
       Data = "Root",
       Expanded = false,
       Children = new [] {
           new DataNode {  Data = "Child11",MenuId=2 , MenuLevel=1},
           new DataNode {  Data = "Child12" ,MenuId=3 , MenuLevel=1},
           new DataNode { Data = "Child13",MenuId=4 , MenuLevel=1}
   new DataNode
       Data = "Root1",
       Expanded = false,
       Children = new [] {
           new DataNode {  Data = "Child21",MenuId=6},
           new DataNode {  Data = "Child22",MenuId=7},
           new DataNode { Data = "Child23",MenuId=8}

   new DataNode
       Data = "Root3",
       Expanded = false,
       Children = new [] {
           new DataNode {  Data = "Child33" , MenuId=10},
           new DataNode {  Data = "Child33", MenuId=11},
           new DataNode {
               Data = "Child3 of parent",
                           Children = new [] {
                             new DataNode {  Data = "Child2",MenuId=13},
                             new DataNode {  Data = "Child2",MenuId=14},
                            new DataNode { Data = "Child2 of parent name Child3",MenuId=15 ,
                                       Children = new [] {
                                      new DataNode {  Data = "Child23",MenuId=16},
                                      new DataNode {  Data = "Child23",MenuId=17},
                                      new DataNode { Data = "Child23",MenuId=18}

   void OnTreeExpand(TreeExpandEventArgs args)
       console.Log($"TreeExpand: {args.Value}");

   void OnTreeSelectionChange(TreeEventArgs args)
       DataNode d = args.Value as DataNode;
       console.Log($"TreeNode selected: {d.MenuId}");
       d.Expanded = true;
   void OnTreeMouseLeave(TreeEventArgs args)
       DataNode d = args.Value as DataNode;
       console.Log($"TreeNode selected: {d.MenuId}");

   void ShowContextMenuWithItems(MouseEventArgs args)
           new List<ContextMenuItem> {
               new ContextMenuItem(){ Text = "Add", Value = 1 },
               new ContextMenuItem(){ Text = "Delete", Value = 2 },
            }, OnMenuItemClick);

void OnMenuItemClick(MenuItemEventArgs args)

  console.Log($"Menu item with Value={args.Value} clicked");
  if (!args.Value.Equals(3) && !args.Value.Equals(4))


What is your question?

How can I get MenuId for node when using ContextMent in RightClick , To be able to add or delete node dynamic

You can pass the data item from the Template:

<Template Context="node">
<b @oncontextmenu=@(args => ShowContextMenuWithItems(args, node.Value))>...</b>

Is there a straight forward way to expand or collapse all of RadzenTree from an external button?

Is there a straight forward way to expand or collapse all of RadzenTree from an external button?

You can check this thread: Programmatically expand tree - #5 by Poojank

I mean, I need two buttons above Radzentree to Expand All , Collapse All
How can do this
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