RadzenText Anchor need two clicks

I use Anchor property of RadzenText to provide a jump inside the same Blazor page to a dedicated id-div.
This has worked for a long time, but it has changed the behaviour on one of the last updates.

<RadzenText Anchor=@data.AnchorRef/>

On click of the anchor symbol the page scrolls down to the RadzenText element having the . A second click on the same anchor will scroll to the correct element on the page. Some versions ago, it has worked on only one click.

Blazor Server app, .Net 6.0,
Radzen 4.18.0

This is the generated HTML code:

<a name="Player1" href="punkte#Player1" class="rz-link" target="_top" _bl_d93ca71f-4179-47f7-ae44-16ccd33002f8=""><!--!-->    <i style="" class="rzi" id="QfGn6jyNyU" _bl_80f3aa6f-0071-4b91-87dc-e65c60cbafec=""><!--!-->link</i><!--!-->
<div  id="Player1"   ...>

Can you reproduce this on our demos? It works normally in my opinion:

It is working on the web-demos. That is WebAssembly, not Blazor-Server. Maybe that is the difference.

You can run our demos locally both as Blazor server and Blazor WebAssembly. Here is the result for Blazor server:


In your demo examples you use the Anchor for the same element. So it references itself.

<a name="text-align" href="typography#text-align"

But I want to set the Anchor to another element on the page with an mathing id
Radzen first scrolls to the same element (guess it find the matching name; first click) and than on second click it find the other element with matching id