I hope I may ask for some help with the RadzenTabs Component. I guess I missconfigured (or misunderstood) something.
Please consider this the following small project (@rendermode="InteractiveServer") to demonstrate the issue.
When I set a breakpoint in the OnParametersSetAsync function of the FooComponents it is hit multiple times when I toggle between the tabs.
This happens with TabRenderMode.Server and TabRenderMode.Client. Is there a way to avoid this? Or is this expected and I am missing something?
The Home page looks like this:
@page "/"
@inherits HomeBase
@using Radzen
@using Radzen.Blazor
<RadzenTabs Change=@OnTabChange TabPosition="TabPosition.Top" RenderMode="TabRenderMode.Client">
<RadzenTabsItem Text="Foo">
<FooComp dummyObjects=@dummyObjects["Foo"] />
<RadzenTabsItem Text="Bar">
<FooComp dummyObjects=@dummyObjects["Bar"] />
<RadzenTabsItem Text="Baz">
<FooComp dummyObjects=@dummyObjects["Baz"] />
Here's the code:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
namespace TabsIssue.Components.Pages
public class HomeBase : ComponentBase
protected Dictionary<string, List<DummyObject>> dummyObjects = new();
protected override Task OnInitializedAsync()
dummyObjects["Foo"] = new List<DummyObject>
new DummyObject { IntProp = 1, StringProp = "Foo 1" },
new DummyObject { IntProp = 2, StringProp = "Foo 2" }
dummyObjects["Bar"] = new List<DummyObject>
new DummyObject { IntProp = 3, StringProp = "Bar 3" },
new DummyObject { IntProp = 4, StringProp = "Bar 4" }
dummyObjects["Baz"] = new List<DummyObject>
new DummyObject { IntProp = 5, StringProp = "Baz 5" },
new DummyObject { IntProp = 6, StringProp = "Baz 6" }
return base.OnInitializedAsync();
protected void OnTabChange(int index)
@inherits FooCompBase
@foreach(var dummyObj in dummyObjects)
<li @key="@dummyObj.StringProp">
<span>@dummyObj.StringProp @dummyObj.IntProp</span>
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
namespace TabsIssue.Components
public class FooCompBase : ComponentBase
public List<DummyObject> dummyObjects { get; set; }
protected override Task OnParametersSetAsync()
return base.OnParametersSetAsync();
and the DummyObject:
type or paste code here
namespace TabsIssue
public class DummyObject
public int IntProp { get; set; }
public string StringProp { get; set; }
As always: thanks for your support. Highly appreciated!
TabsIssue.zip (363.9 KB)