RadzenTabsItem client area?

Does the RadzenTabsItem have a client component, like Card or Stack?

I cannot control the margin, padding and other responsive elements in the components that I put inside the brackets, eg.

<RadzenCard ...>

There seems to be a fixed margin of my RadzenCard (or whatever) that I cannot change.

Cheers, Henrik

Not sure what that means however you can use your browser developer tools inspector to check what HTML is rendered and what CSS classes are used.

Thanks for the swift reply!
I am very weak on CSS, but with your suggestion I found this article on the rz-tabview-panel class.

I put the CSS Selector in the site.css file:

.rz-tabview-panel {

which does exactly what I want, when seen in Radzen Blazor Studio. But when the app runs in the browser, the problem persists. I will learn more about this myself, but if you have a quick fix, of course I would be happy to hear it :slight_smile:

Cheers, Henrik

Try CTRL+F5, something might be cached.

You can also try adding important to be sure your CSS rule takes precedence:

.rz-tabview-panel {
   padding-left:3px !important;
   padding-top:3px !important;

I tried both suggestions and it works now! :slight_smile:
Thanks for your time!