Radzenstack objects width

I tried defining the width but it doesn't do anything. I don't need the dates to be that wide, and i want the button to show full text

      <RadzenTabsItem Text="ACIA">
          <RadzenStack Orientation="Orientation.Horizontal" AlignItems="AlignItems.Center" Gap="10px" class="mt-2 mb-4">
              <InputText id="NewSpecie" @bind-Value="SpecieToAdd" class="form-check" />

              <RadzenButton ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Success" Icon="add_circle_outline" Text="Ajouter l'espèce" Click="@AddNewSpecie" Style="width" />
              <label for="DefaultACIAExit" class="form-label">Sortie:</label>
              <InputDate id="DefaultACIAExit" @bind-Value="DefaultACIAExit" @bind-Value:format="dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss" Type="InputDateType.DateTimeLocal" class="form-control" />
              <label for="DefaultACIAExit" class="form-label">Sortie:</label>
              <InputDate id="DefaultACIAReturn" @bind-Value="DefaultACIAReturn" @bind-Value:format="dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss" Type="InputDateType.DateTimeLocal" class="form-control" />


Is that your actual code? As it doesn't set any width.

that was a leftover from other tries. I found the issue, i needed to put a witdh to the date ones. i would have prefered to force button width and the rest being flexible, but that wasn't working. if i set the date ones, it's working