RadzenSplitterPane - Size are not updated when value changed


I think that the RadzenSplitterPane has an issue with the Size property : When you update it, the Size not changed in this case :

        <RadzenSplitter Resize=@OnResize>
            <RadzenSplitterPane Size="@Size" Min="@Min">
                Pane A1
                <div style="font-size: 10px;">
                    Min 30px
            <RadzenSplitterPane >
                Pane A2
        <RadzenSplitter Resize=@OnResize>
            <RadzenSplitterPane Size="@Size" Min="@Min">
                Pane A3
                <div style="font-size: 10px;">
                    Min 30px
            <RadzenSplitterPane >
                Pane A4

<EventConsole @ref=@console/>

@code {
    private RadzenSplitter _splitter;
    private RadzenSplitterPane _pane;

    public string? Size { get; set; }
    public string? Min { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        Min = "30px";
        Size = Min;

    EventConsole console;

    void OnResize(RadzenSplitterResizeEventArgs args)
        console.Log($"Pane {args.PaneIndex} Resize (New size {args.NewSize})");
        Size = args.NewSize.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "%";

Example of usage :

If you have any ideas to fix that, I'll appreciate.

To support such scenario Size property should support two-way binding (@bind-Size="@Size") which is not the case at the moment.

Hi, Thanks for the information.

Do you think that can be support in an future update (or not) ?
That should be great if we need to create 2 areas with synchronized splitter.

The problem turned out to be different:

The fix will be part of our next update early next week.

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