RadzenSidebar no collapsed RadzenLayout

When I use the default example for the layout component (Full height Sidebar) Blazor Layout component I want that the RadzenSidebar starts collapsed, so I just change the initial value for sidebar2Expanded from true to false. But keeps expanding when loading


@code {
bool sidebar2Expanded = false;

Hi @foluis,

Try setting the Responsive attribute of RadzenSidebar to false as well.

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Hi korchev, that worked. Thank you

I have one question: what is the Responsive attribute for?, what if I want the RadzenSidebar to be "responsive" but also to hide it when the component renders?

It is an implementation quirk mostly. Without it the sidebar would render collapsed initially and then expand (because of the way Blazor works). You can check the source code if you need the full details :slight_smile: