RadzenRequiredValidator doesn't work

I've tried to implement datagrid Edit InLine and use RadzenRequiredValidator

 <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="EcoRep" Property="Name" Title="Name" Width="80px">
           <EditTemplate Context="eco">
                            <RadzenTextBox @bind-Value="eco.Name" Style="width:100%" />
                            <RadzenRequiredValidator Text="Name is required" Component="Name" Popup="true" />

I follow up your example here : Blazor DataGrid inline editing (radzen.com)

When I validated the line after creation line there is no message " Name is required"
Should I add the annotation [Required] in the class EcoRep

Thanks in advance to your help!

there may be a problem with the location of the message as it needs to work with the grid.
i do not have the details at hand but you may need to tell the message to be located in the right place and you might need to tweak the row height of the grid to allow room for the message.
or get the message to appear on top of the grid but also you need to not cover the text input that you are validating...

Sorry, but I don't really understand that you told me!!

Right now I have

crit: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Rendering.WebAssemblyRenderer[100]
      Unhandled exception rendering component: Cannot find component with Name Name
System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot find component with Name Name


I guess that the definition of component must be equal to property.
In my case component = Name

Have you an idea how I can fix this problem?

I tried to use [Required] annotation in the class instead of [RadzenRequiredValidator] and this is not possible to render [DisplayName("Name")]
Have you an idea?

There is no component with such name. Check the RadzenRequiredValidator demo for reference on how to connect validator with input component: