RadzenNumeric not aligning text to right

Blazer Server project.
I have a RadzenNumeric that does not show the text aligned to the right.
The component is in a table cell. I have tried a style in the cell and in the component ( Style="text-align: right")

How can I get the text to align ?

You might need to check this demo:

Still not working.
I created a new C# Blazor Server project, Visual Studio 2022, .net 6, Radzen.Blazor 4.2.0. Modified Index.razor as shown below, which is basically a copy/paste from the numeric example. The values are aligned left.

The rendered code is

Page Code:

@page "/"
@using Radzen
@using Radzen.Blazor


<h1>Radzen test</h1>

Welcome to your new app.

<div class="col-lg-3 p-3">
        <RadzenText TextStyle="TextStyle.Subtitle2" TagName="TagName.H3">Text-Align Right</RadzenText>
        <RadzenNumeric TValue="int?" @bind-Value=@value Placeholder="Enter or clear value" Change="@(args => OnChange(args, "Without Up/Down"))" Class="w-100" TextAlign="TextAlign.Right" />

@*<EventConsole @ref=@console Class="mt-4" />

@code {
    int? value;

  //  EventConsole console;

    void OnChange(dynamic value, string name)
        //console.Log($"{name} value changed to {value}");

Can you share a screenshot of the page?

The computed styles indicate this is from the bootstrap.min.css

And I found my problem, The line
<script src="_content/Radzen.Blazor/Radzen.Blazor.js"></script>
was missing

Thanks for offering suggestions.

You also seem to are missing the CSS theme of the components which defines the appearance. The RadzenNumeric renders "naked" in your screenshot.

It seems as if someone has blown up in the demo, as it is not aligning right in the demo (on chrome).

Thanks for spotting that @Roune!

Will be fixed with the upcoming release.

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