RadzenNumeric , decimal separator (dot/coma)

Hi community I have a problem using Radzen Blazor components on blazor client side (wasm)...particulary with RadzenNumeric, I can't use dot as decimal separator, only works with "," (coma). I'm already trying using diferents cultures but without luck. I'm doing anything wrong?


                        <RadzenNumeric TValue="decimal" @bind-Value="someDecimalValue" Placeholder="0.0" Step="0.01" style="width: 100%;" />

@code {
private decimal someDecimalValue { get; set;}

Using the default html input works.

You can check this thread for more info:

Should be able to use both dot and comma in the next update (later today).

Hi enchev... I tried the lastest version and it still don't working...I'm doing something wrong?. Thanks

With the latest version:

  • Value (TValue) property depends on your application culture.
  • Step (string) property can be coma or dot no matter the culture.