RadzenMenuItem multiple active states using "/"

I ran into the same issue as the following poster : radzenmenuitem no control over match option

We are on version 4.7.0 Radzen.Blazor.

Our "home" page is @page "/", and when I use: RadzenMenuItem Path="/" Text="home" . it is always active. It looks like I also need to set NavLinkMatch.All on the navlink.

Is there a way for the RadzenMenuItem to not be active with path="/" when another page is selected?

Radzen Blazor Studio Professional owner

Did you try setting the Match property of RadzenMenuItem?

I see the Match property is in Radzen.Blazor 4.10, but not 4.7. I will need to upgrade.

I actually had a planned upgrade in two weeks.

If you know of a simple work around, other than implementing our own NavLink inside the RadzenMenuItem (template), I could meet the current requirement and fix it properly after the upgrade.

I appreciate the initial quick response.

You can probably try using the Template and a NavLink but it may look off.

      <NavLink Match="NavLinkMatch.All" href="/">Home</NavLink>

I pushed the upgrade to 4.10.3 and used Path="" Match=NavLinkMatch.all and this resolved the issue.

Thank you for the quick responses.