RadzenMenu and ContextMenuService

I am trying to implement RadzenMenu as is in your RadzenBlazorDemos from github in ContextMenuCustomContent.razor. For the first step I choose just to show the exact menu as it is in your demo. But as always there is some kind of but. I put the RadzenButton with the same arguments as in your example and copied the appropriate function from your code. This function in my application is not valid but if I open your application in visual studio it is completely valid. Only thing that comes to my mind is that I have code behind and your code does not. The picture is same the same function from your application copied from VS into my application.

Such code can be used only in razor file.

It's a pretty awkward solution but it works. I hope some time in the future it will be much more programmer friendly.

Hi @Djordje,

Razor syntax can only be used in .razor files. This isn't something related to Radzen Blazor Studio at all. This is just how Microsoft designed razor.