RadzenListBox not found!

I have a form with 3 working RadzenDropDowns.
Then I needed a RadzenListBox on the same form.

No matter what properites I set I get this error:

  ReportCreate.razor(69, 21): [RZ10001] The type of component 'RadzenListBox' cannot be inferred based on the values provided. Consider specifying the type arguments directly using the following attributes: 'TValue'.

First yes I read the documentation and looked at all the examples (:wink:

This is what I tried:

<RadzenListBox Data="@SelectedFunds"/>
<RadzenListBox Name="ReportFunds"   Data="@SelectedFunds" />
<RadzenListBox Name="ReportFunds"
               Class="form-control-sm col-8 drop-down-width"/>

I tried setting on property at a time. What am I doing wrong?