RadzenListBox does not update the checkbox UI

Consider enum:

public enum ResponsavelCrianca : byte
    [Display(Name = "Adulto responsável")]
    AdultoResponsavel = 1,
    [Display(Name = "Outra(s) criança(s)")]
    OutraCrianca = 2,
    [Display(Name = "Adolescente")]
    Adolescente = 133,
    [Display(Name = "Sozinha")]
    Sozinha = 3,
    [Display(Name = "Creche")]
    Creche = 134,
    [Display(Name = "Outro")]
    Outro = 4

Consider componet:

    <div class="form-group col-md-6">
        <label>Criança de 0 a 9 anos, com quem fica?</label>
        <RadzenListBox @bind-Value="responsavelCriancaResult"
                       Data="@(Enum.GetValues(typeof(ResponsavelCrianca)).Cast<ResponsavelCrianca>().Select(t => new { Text = $"{Tools.GetDisplayName(t)}", Value = t }))"
                       TextProperty="Text" ValueProperty="Value" Style="width:100%;" />
        <ValidationMessage For="() => esusFichaCadastroIndividual.responsavelPorCrianca" />

Consider code:

private IEnumerable<ResponsavelCrianca> responsavelCriancaResult = new ResponsavelCrianca[] {};

UI does not update the checkbox, although the IEnumerable is filled in correctly (verified with event in Change (args)):

Now, I've added the change event to the component.

        <RadzenListBox @bind-Value="responsavelCriancaResult"
                       Data="@(Enum.GetValues(typeof(ResponsavelCrianca)).Cast<ResponsavelCrianca>().Select(t => new { Text = $"{Tools.GetDisplayName(t)}", Value = t }))"
                       TextProperty="Text" ValueProperty="Value" Style="width:100%;"
                       Change="@(args => OnChangeResponsavelCrianca(args))"/>
        <ValidationMessage For="() => esusFichaCadastroIndividual.responsavelPorCrianca" />

When I click on all:

But, when I click individually, waiting for the multiple choice, it displays only what was clicked on that step.

When I remove the bind-value and the Change event the UI works correctly.
OBS: The edit form is being opened as a modal.

        <RadzenListBox TValue="IEnumerable<ResponsavelCrianca>"
                       Data="@(Enum.GetValues(typeof(ResponsavelCrianca)).Cast<ResponsavelCrianca>().Select(t => new { Text = $"{Tools.GetDisplayName(t)}", Value = t }))"
                       TextProperty="Text" ValueProperty="Value" Style="width:100%;"

The problem also affects the RadzenDropDown component