RadzenLineSeries - points only?

Was wondering if it was possible to configure the RadzenLineSeries to only plot points rather than draw the connecting line? Or perhaps I am using the wrong component?



Hi @kerryhug,

The following CSS will hide the line:

.rz-line-series path {
   display: none;

Thank you so much for your prompt reply.

The above seems to work fine if I have a single RadzenLineSeries in a chart, but if I have two then the second one disappears entirely (no line, no Markers, but the legend is there and contains both lines) when I apply the CSS, even though the data values are there (the popups appear if I happen to hover over a data point)

You can refine the CSS selector to hide the required series.

For example:

.rz-line-series.rz-series-0 path {
   display: none;