RadzenHtmlEditorCustomTool custom name

I'm trying to make a custom tool in the Html Editor so that it is displayed in the tools and has a name (and perhaps icon). But there is no standard way to specify a text name for the tool. And I also can't add styles for RadzenHtmlEditorCustomTool

Unhandled exception rendering component: Object of type 'Radzen.Blazor.RadzenHtmlEditorCustomTool' does not have a property matching the name 'Class'.


Unhandled exception rendering component: Object of type 'Radzen.Blazor.RadzenHtmlEditorCustomTool' does not have a property matching the name 'Style'

Is there any way to make RadzenHtmlEditorCustomTool named?

​​Or maybe I can somehow access RadzenHtmlEditor or HtmlEditorExecuteEventArgs without using RadzenHtmlEditorCustomTool?

Solved the problem. Access can be obtained using Template

<RadzenHtmlEditorCustomTool CommandName="InsertToday" Icon="today" Title="Insert today" >
    <Template Context="editor">
        <RadzenText @onclick=@(args => ClickOnTool(editor))>ToolName</RadzenText>

Good luck))