RadzenHtmlEditorBackground default value

I have created a custom Razor component that enscapsulates a RadzenHtmlEditor component with my desired defaults.

For the RadzenHtmlEditorBackground sub-item, I want to specify a starting colour other than the default blue.

Here is my entire code:

@using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

@code {
    public string Value { get; set; } = string.Empty;
    public EventCallback<string> ValueChanged { get; set; }
    public bool Disabled { get; set; }
    public string Height { get; set; } = "100%";
    public string Width { get; set; } = "100%";

    private string styleValue => $"height: {ValidateCssSize(Height)}; width: {ValidateCssSize(Width)};";
    private string highlight = "rgba(255, 215, 0, 0.30)";

    private static string ValidateCssSize(string value)
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) return "100%";

        // allow standard CSS size units
        if (Regex.IsMatch(value, @"^\d+(px|em|rem|%|vh|vw|vmin|vmax)$")) return value;

        // allow CSS calc() expressions
        if (Regex.IsMatch(value, @"^calc\([\d+\-*\/().%a-z\s]+\)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) return value;

        return "100%";

    private async Task OnValueChanged(string newValue)
        Value = newValue;
        await ValueChanged.InvokeAsync(newValue);

<RadzenHtmlEditor @bind-Value="@Value" Style="@styleValue" Disabled="@Disabled">
    <RadzenHtmlEditorUndo />
    <RadzenHtmlEditorRedo />
    <RadzenHtmlEditorSeparator />
    <RadzenHtmlEditorBold />
    <RadzenHtmlEditorItalic />
    <RadzenHtmlEditorUnderline />
    <RadzenHtmlEditorStrikeThrough />
    <RadzenHtmlEditorSeparator />
    <RadzenHtmlEditorAlignLeft />
    <RadzenHtmlEditorAlignCenter />
    <RadzenHtmlEditorAlignRight />
    <RadzenHtmlEditorJustify />
    <RadzenHtmlEditorSeparator />
    <RadzenHtmlEditorUnorderedList />
    <RadzenHtmlEditorOrderedList />
    <RadzenHtmlEditorSeparator />
    <RadzenHtmlEditorColor ShowHSV="false" ShowRGBA="false" ShowColors="true" ShowButton="false">
        <RadzenHtmlEditorColorItem Value="black" />
        <RadzenHtmlEditorColorItem Value="firebrick" />
        <RadzenHtmlEditorColorItem Value="red" />
        <RadzenHtmlEditorColorItem Value="orange" />
        <RadzenHtmlEditorColorItem Value="gold" />
        <RadzenHtmlEditorColorItem Value="yellowgreen" />
        <RadzenHtmlEditorColorItem Value="green" />
        <RadzenHtmlEditorColorItem Value="dodgerblue" />
        <RadzenHtmlEditorColorItem Value="mediumblue" />
        <RadzenHtmlEditorColorItem Value="purple" />
        <RadzenHtmlEditorColorItem Value="fuchsia" />
    <RadzenHtmlEditorBackground ShowHSV="false" ShowRGBA="false" ShowColors="true" ShowButton="false" Value="@highlight">
        <RadzenHtmlEditorColorItem Value="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)" />
        <RadzenHtmlEditorColorItem Value="rgba(255, 99, 71, 0.30)" />
        <RadzenHtmlEditorColorItem Value="rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.30)" />
        <RadzenHtmlEditorColorItem Value="rgba(255, 215, 0, 0.30)" />
        <RadzenHtmlEditorColorItem Value="rgba(154, 205, 50, 0.30)" />
        <RadzenHtmlEditorColorItem Value="rgba(135, 206, 250, 0.30)" />
        <RadzenHtmlEditorColorItem Value="rgba(147, 112, 219, 0.30)" />
        <RadzenHtmlEditorColorItem Value="rgba(192, 192, 192, 0.30)" />
    <RadzenHtmlEditorRemoveFormat />
    <RadzenHtmlEditorSeparator />
    <RadzenHtmlEditorLink />
    <RadzenHtmlEditorUnlink />

And here is the part causing the issue:

<RadzenHtmlEditorBackground ShowHSV="false" ShowRGBA="false" ShowColors="true" ShowButton="false" Value="@highlight">

If I set the Value property, it no longer changes to the currently selected RadzenHtmlEditorColorItem.

Before selection:

Choosing a colour:

After choosing a colour, it retains the default value:

If I do not pre-set the Value property, the after-selection colour matches my choice:

How do I fix this?

Hi @StephenJabs,

This looks as a bug. Feel fee to open an issue in the github repository.

UPDATE: I have pushed a fix for this issue should go live with the next release.