RadzenHtmlEditor Change Event Issue

I have an RadzenHtmlEditor configured like:

<RadzenHtmlEditor UploadUrl="upload/image" @bind-Value="@rfe.RecruitingSource" Name="RecruitingSource" Change="@StringValueChange"  TValue="string?">

The change event:

When debugging the rfe.id is populated, as well as other values in rfe. "htlmeditor" fields however are null:

The @bind-Value is set correctly, if I submit the form the data is updated.

When I have change events on other fields that are working as they should. What did I miss, or is this a bug?

Hi @kest874,

This is not a known issue. We will need a reproduction.

I have built a sample and sent info@radzen.com let me know if you do not receive it.

Hi @kest874,

We got the files and reproduced the problem. A fix will be released with the next update of Radzen.Blazor (probably by the end of the week).

Excellent thank you!

Noticed that 1.13.2 was released and Radzen also has update * Radzen.Blazor updated to [4.15.7]

Was this issue not addressed? It still has the same behavior.

The issue should have been fixed by this commit which is included in the latest release - the ValueChanged event is fired before Change which ensures whatever is set to @bind-Value is updated before the code of the Change event is executed. I have also tested with your project to verify the fix is working. Make sure you are using the latest version.

I've conducted some tests - added Console.WriteLine to output the current property values:

protected async System.Threading.Tasks.Task HTMLFieldChange(System.String args)
  Console.WriteLine($"demo.NumberField: {demo.NumberField}, demo.TextBoxField: {demo.TextBoxField}, demo.HTMLField: {demo.HTMLField}");
  await RadzenHtmlEditorIssueDBService.UpdateDemo(demo.ID, demo);
  demos = await RadzenHtmlEditorIssueDBService.GetDemos();

Here is what I see with the version that had the bug (4.15.6):
HTMLField is lagging behind one step.

And here is with the latest version 4.15.7:
HTMLFieldis up to date.

I'll take a look and report back my findings. I will test in the application I sent in to insure it's not something with the project I'm working on.


I'm using the released version:

It's still lagging behind one step when the textbox has a change and loses focus they both update. How can I check the Radzen.Blazor version?

You can set the Version attribute of the Radzen.Blazor package in the csproj file of the app and rebuild. Or delete the bin and obj directories while Radzen Blazor Studio is not running.

Deleting the bin and obj directories did the trick, the csproj file had:

PackageReference Include="Radzen.Blazor" Version="*"

Thank you for your help, you guys are much appreciated!