RadzenGoogleMap: apiKey not defined

I am using the last Radzen version 5.3.5 in an VS2019 environment. I copied your sample code for the RadzenGoogleMap but using my own apikey and mapid. The map is displayed and all seems to work.
But the browser throws two messages.

  1. api key is not defined

After debugging the follwoing line of Radzen.Blazor.js throws the error:

How can I solve this error?

  1. a warning that the Google Maps Javascript has been loaded directly without loading=async.
    Do you have an idea how to solve this warning?

There is no such problem on our demo:

Hi Peter, I had the same issue after opening an old project that was working before the MapId introduction.
In fact, the javascript error was related to "missing api key", but instead it was the MapId field missing.
I read that you have correctly set the MapId but, in case, double check.

Just posting for the next guests looking for help regarding a missing MapId !