RadzenFormField with RadzenDropDown

Hi Radzen,
I have a RadzenFormField in which I use a RadzenDropDown.
I use the start and end template from the RadzenFormField.

As a result, when I open the DropDown, the popup no longer visually takes up the entire width of the FormField.

<RadzenFormField Variant="Variant.Outlined" AllowFloatingLabel="false"">
        <RadzenIcon Icon="filter_alt" IconColor="@Colors.Primary"/>
        <RadzenDropDown @bind-Value="@BoundValue"

Is it possible to adjust this?
Thanks and greetings mMilk

:point_down: Screenshot and code do not match but it may help to understand better:
Screenshot 2025-01-14 154300

The DropDown component popup is sized correctly - icons in front and at the end are not part of the component.

Hi @enchev,

I have never claimed that it is wrong or a mistake.
My question was if I can adjust it?

I don't doubt that it is technically correct. But it looks strange if two RadzenFormFields are next to each other and one has a start template, the other does not and the DropDowns open once over the entire width and once not.

U get my ponint?

Greetings mMilk


Hi @kl1mm,

No, the size of the dropdown's popup and its position can't be adjusted.

Hi @korchev,
that's a pity, but thank you for your quick reply.