RadzenDropDownDataGrid with Dynamic data

I am using RadzenDropDownDataGrid with dynamic data.
I am binding IEnumerable<IDictionary<string, object>> to the dropdown.

How to handle the TextProperty && ValueProperty in this situation?

You can use templates instead these properties. I've pushed a new demo demonstrating this:

Yeah, I have tested that demo and found couple of issues. In that demo,

  • Filtering isn't working.
  • There is an exception when filtering by typing in the search box.

Could you please look into that issue also?

There is another issue in my case, I need to invoke a callback method inside the OnChange method. After selecting an item in the dropdown list when I clicked the dropdown again it didn't highlight the selected item but the value is displayed in the text box. When I only keep the casting inside OnChange, it works. What can cause this issue?