RadzenDropDownDataGrid Filtering with Dynamic Data

I am using RadzenDropDownDataGrid for dynamic data. Before moving into my real scenario I tested this with dummy data. Here is my dummy data list.

data = new List<IDictionary<string, object>>()
new Dictionary<string, object>()
{ "FirstName", "Johan" },
{ "LastName", "Wiberg" },
new Dictionary<string, object>()
{ "FirstName", "Sandra" },
{ "LastName", "Perera" },

This is the column list.

columns = new Dictionary<string, Type>()
{ "FirstName", typeof(string) },
{ "LastName", typeof(string) },

Here is my implementation.

public string valueProperty { get; set; } = "LastName";
public string textProperty { get; set; } = "FirstName";

This implementation gives an error like below.

Could you please tell me the issue with this implementation or could you please give an example for RadzenDropDownDataGrid with dynamic data?

Blazor DataGrid Component - Dynamic Data | Free UI Components by Radzen Have you checked this demo link

Yeah, I have checked that but didn't find a solution from there.