RadzenDropDownDataGrid binding multiple value issue

I have a RadzenDropDownDataGrid for my Tags, and it has Multiple=true
I want to bind its value to a list of tags so when I change that variable, it changes what this drop down is showing.
But since it can get multiple value as an IEnumarable, I don't know how to bind my list. When I try it, it gives me the error that it can't cast the list into a string.

This script is working fine, but it's not binded to any variable value

@* ----------------- Tags *@
		<RadzenDropDownDataGrid Style="width:12%;" TValue="string" FilterCaseSensitivity="FilterCaseSensitivity.CaseInsensitive" AllowClear="true" AllowFiltering=false
								AllowRowSelectOnRowClick=true Multiple=true Chips=true Data=@Tags_DB Placeholder="Select tags..." 
								TextProperty="TagName" ValueProperty="TagName" AllowFilteringByAllStringColumns="true"
								Change=@(args => OnTagsChange(args)) @ref="TagsDropDown">
				<RadzenDropDownDataGridColumn Property="TagName" Title="Name" Width="88%" Sortable=false />
				<RadzenDropDownDataGridColumn Title="Fav" Width="12%" Filterable=false Sortable=false>
					<Template Context="tag">
						@if (MainUser.FavoriteTags.Contains(tag))
							<RadzenButton Variant="Variant.Text" Icon="star" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Warning" Size="ButtonSize.Medium" Class="my-1 ms-1" Click="@(args => OnTagFavoriteToggle(tag, false))" @onclick:stopPropagation="true" />
							<RadzenButton Variant="Variant.Text" Icon="star_outline" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Warning" Size="ButtonSize.Medium" Class="my-1 ms-1" Click="@(args => OnTagFavoriteToggle(tag, true))" @onclick:stopPropagation="true" />

Example of binding DropDownDataGrid with multiple selection can be found here: