I have RadzenDropDown with AllowFiltering and OpenOnFocus enabled. When I focus on the DropDown using the Tab key, it opens. After that, I select an item from the list and I expect the DropDown to get closed. However, it opens again. Please see provided screen recording of Blazor DropDown component demo with OpenOnFocus enabled:
I'm also having the Same Bug, Kindly Resolve this, Also the the Filtering/Search isn't working!
Thanks for your workaround; I'll try to implement it in my project. It would be great to have this behavior as the default because DropDown is one of the most popular components, and it behaved as expected prior to version 4.3.8.
I discovered a minor flaw in the provided solution: when I select the same item, the drop down continues to open.
This is the best we can offer you at the moment - if you have better solution feel free to share it.
Hi there. One question about the property
@onBlur=@(args => openOnFocus = true)
Does onBlur only works for Dropdown, or for DropdownDatagrid as well? I get an error using a DD Datagrid:
CS8917: Type cannot be inferred within a generic delegate
In my opinion this is not related to the component. The error means that the compiler cannot determine the type of args
- try to define the strongly typed arguments for onblur event:
Thanks, it works now. When I get back to the Dropdown again, it opens automatically.
But now I have another problem. When I select a record via Arrow-down key + Enter the Dropdown closes. Selecting with LMB on the other hand causes the Dropdown to reopen. Using LMB to select an item should do the same as selecting with keyboard keys.
Here is what I see in our demos:
This is my code:
<RadzenDropDownDataGrid Data="@standortForAsSo" TextProperty="SoNr" ValueProperty="SoId" OpenOnFocus="true"
Placeholder="Standort wählen" style="display: block; width: 100%" @bind-Value="@assets.AsSo" Name="AsSo" >
and this is how it behaves:
but again, it is a dropdown datagrid, not just a dropdown
This what you have posted in your previous post:
Sorry for the confusion. My problems relate to Dropdown Datagrids only. I thought, that it was implied in my first post:
Does onBlur only works for Dropdown, or for DropdownDatagrid as well? I get an error using a DD Datagrid:
This thread is for DropDown component, not for the DropDownDataGrid. Anyway, we will do our best to provide fix for the DropDownDataGrid as soon as possible.
Thanks. Sorry for posting this in the wrong thread.
Btw. I have checked this with a regular Dropdown (no Datagrid) in my App and it works just fine.