RadzenDropDown filtering is not allowing typing


Here is the markup:

                    <RadzenDropDown TValue="int" @bind-Value=@selectedTTEventID
                                    FilterOperator="StringFilterOperator.StartsWith" AllowFiltering="true"
                                    Data=@TTEvents TextProperty="Name" ValueProperty="EventID"
                                    Change=@(args => SelectedTTChange(args)) Style="width: 400px" />

There should be a blinking cursor next to the hour glass but there is none and typing does not work.
What am I doing wrong?


Hi @frankn,

Will our demos work for you or you have the same problem? If you have Radzen subscription you can send us your application to info@radzen.com to check what’s going on.

Hi enchev,

I figured it out.

I was using the RadzenDropDown inside Chris Sainty's Blazored.Modal component. Apparently, filtering with the RadzenDropDown does not work inside a this modal service. Maybe there's a code conflict in the underling components.

I realized that Radzen has a modal service.

When I switched to the Radzen Dialog Service it all works fine.

I guess the take away is to not mix and match the components from different sources, or at least to keep it at a minimum.


Increasing the z-index of the RadzenDropdown popup will deal with this:

I will set the default to 2000 (it is 1000 whereas the Bootstrap modal uses 1050).

I will need a reproduction in order to tell more.