RadzenDropDown Editable DropDown example doesn't work if defautl value is null

Im trying to create an editable DropDown by following the example:

The string property I am binding to (using @bind-Value) is nullable and has no default value.

If I understand the code correctly, the ValueTemplate and Template of the RadzenDataGrid are only rendered when selectedItem != null.

It seems the RadzenTextBox inside ValueTemplate is only rendered if you select an item first (either manually or by have the default value of the property you are binding to match an item in Data.

How can I make the ValueTemplate render when nothing is selected?

You can see what I mean by changing the Editable DropDown example to set value = null on line 13 (instead of value = "Around the Horn"

Am I missing something?

You can use empty string instead null to allow editing.

Thanks. Setting a default value of empty string does cause the ValueTemplate to render.