RadzenDatePicker Year Popup Does Not Scroll To Current Year Selected

The first DatePicker defaults to the current date on this page:

When you select the calendar button, it will popup a calendar picker. When you select the year to alter the year, the popup that is presented DOES NOT scroll to the current year selected, rather it scrolls to the lowest year in the YearRange. Is there a way to have the year-picker-popup scroll to the current year already selected so the user is not forced to scroll from the beginning of the YearRange? So if the current year is 2021, mabye the popup should show 2021 immediately below it.

Thanks in Advance!

Hi @Schambers,

Indeed this is not supported at the moment - we will check if we can add it in one of our next updates.


Any update on this?

Thanks in advance!

The problem was fixed a week ago - you can try our demo for reference maybe.