RadzenDatePicker, rz-state-focused after value set externaly

I have the following behavior that doesn't seem to be correct.

Using a RadzenDatePicker and a button that will change valueFrom.

  1. Select a date with the cursor
  2. Press the button that changes the dates
  3. The new date is selected
  4. But the date selected with the cursor still has the class rz-state-focused


<RadzenButton Text="#2 days" Click=@(() => SelectTimeRange(2)) />
private DateTime? valueFrom = DateTime.Now;
private DateTime? valueTo = DateTime.Now;
private async Task SelectTimeRange(double days)
valueTo = DateTime.Now;
valueFrom = valueTo.Value.AddDays(-days);
await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);


Tested with version 5.6.7. Bug is reproducible all the time.


Selected date can be different from focused date.


I did found the behavior a bit strange for the end user. But if you think that's normal, I'll just lighten the focus class.