RadzenDataGrid self-Reference hierarchy not working with await

RadzenDataGrid is not displaying children if I use await in OnLoadChildData event like this:

async void LoadChildData(DataGridLoadChildDataEventArgs<Organization> args)
     isBusy = true;
     args.Data = await Api.OrgWithCounts()
     isBusy = false;

It's working if I call it without await:

 void LoadChildData(DataGridLoadChildDataEventArgs<Organization> args)
     isBusy = true;
     args.Data = Task.Run(() => Api.OrgWithCounts()).Result;
     isBusy = false;

But it should work with await too.

I found issue. It's working if I make OnLoadChildData as Task:

async Task LoadChildData(DataGridLoadChildDataEventArgs<Organization> args)
     isBusy = true;
     args.Data = await Api.OrgWithCounts()
     isBusy = false;