Hi ,
I'm trying to make pagination to be applied on the server side instead of client
i did it but i found problem that data grid not showing that there are other page you can access to thems
so i'm asking if there is any possiblity to show
here is my code
<RadzenDataGrid @ref="grid" Page="@OnPage" Count="_count" PageSizeOptions="pageSizeOptions" Data="Items" >
// In load of the components
// i'm loading only items of the first page but in count it count about 5000 item
// but in pager of grid sow that there is only one page that conatins 10 items
int _size = grid.PageSize;
var items= await ClientService.GetItemsAlogSize(select: select, top:_size, count:true);
_count = items.Count;
public async Task OnPage(PagerEventArgs args)
var items = await ClientService.GetItemsAlogPageSize(top: grid.PageSize,skip:args.Skip,count:true);
_count = items.Count;