RadzenDataGrid pagging server side

Hello, I'm a newbie in Radzen, and I'm trying to implement pagination on the server side. The issue is that the current page of my DataGrid is always 0 and doesn't change.

<RadzenDataGrid @ref="methodeValorisationGrid" AllowAlternatingRows="false" AllowFiltering="false" AllowPaging="true"
                PageSizeOptions=@pageSizeOptions PageSize=@pageSize PageNumbersCount=@((int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalCount/pageSize)) Page=@OnPageChanged PageSizeChanged=@OnPageSizeChanged
                AllowSorting="true" EditMode="DataGridEditMode.Single" Data="@methodeValorisationInfos" Count="@totalCount" RowUpdate="@GridRowUpdate" RowCreate="@GridRowCreate" TItem="MethodeValorisationInfo" ColumnWidth="100%">

Check these demos for reference on how to configure your DataGrid for server-side paging:


Thanks for you response and your time.
But this will returns all items in the first then will applied that queries of take and skip
but in my case i can't load all items from my Api. I have a huge data

No. Check the demos carefully and especially the OData one where you can observe what requests are made and how many items are returned.