RadzenDataGrid is not loading the data in the grid format after upgrading to latest version 4.19

We had a older version of Radzen 3.18.15 which has been updated to new version 4.19 and after that our existing page is not loading the RadzenDataGrid in correct format.

Older Version screenshot.

After upgrading the version.


is there any specific property needs to be added in the below RadzenDataGrid component

<RadzenDataGrid @ref="_grid"

Most probably the theme CSS file is not updated. Make sure this is not the case.

can you please guide us on how to check that. FYI: This issue is not happening with RadzenGrid and its working as expected. Issue is with only RadzenDataGrid*?

.rz-data-grid-data {
overflow: auto;
-webkit-box-flex: 1;
-ms-flex: 1;
flex: 1;

This is what i found in our CSS and is there anything to change in this

Make sure you have followed the instructions for including a theme. And also that alternating rows are enabled AllowAlternatingRows="true"

Still the issue has not been fixed post adding AllowAlternatingRows="true" in RadzenDataGrid. Can you guide us on next step?

Just to add top of it. we are using RadzenSplitButton where the UI was looking below in the older version.


New Version of Radzen

We have made changes to the themes last year: New Radzen.Blazor major update

I think you may be using a custom or customized theme but can't tell just by looking at a screenshot. If you have a professional subscription you can contact us at info@radzen.com and we can check your application.

I figured out issue and its related to .rz-datatable-odd and .rz-datatable-even which were used in the previous radzendatagrid and in new its not supported. We have added the below two lines in our CSS
.rz-grid-table-striped tbody > tr:not(.rz-expanded-row-content):nth-child(even) > td {
background-color: #181C21;

.rz-grid-table-striped tbody > tr:not(.rz-expanded-row-content):nth-child(odd) > td {
background-color: #282C31;

I have one more issue with the rz-fieldset its not fitting all the items and few are moving out of the context.

Can you please guide us on this

As I said before:

Can't help by looking at screenshots and not knowing what custom CSS you have.