RadzenDataGrid GroupHeaderTemplate hyperlink


I have a simple DataGrid w/grouping enabled and I want that group header to be a hyperlink that calls a method within the blazor page:

            <a @onclick="@(() => GoToFeeCodeDetail(context.Data.Key ?? String.Empty))" class="btn btn-primary" @onclick:preventDefault>@context.Data.Key</a>

When I click on that link, I get the error:
Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException: 'Cannot implicitly convert type 'void' to 'object''

This context.Data.Key phrase - it shows it as a Linq dynamic type - I believe this is the issue.

You need to update the argument type of your method to be object in my opinion.

Why is the element unlike the where you can specify a Template Context?


<RadzenDataGridColumn Title="Fee Code" Filterable="false" Property="FeeCode" Frozen="true" FrozenPosition="FrozenColumnPosition.Right" Width="100px">
                <Template Context="fc">
                    <a @onclick="@(() => GoToFeeCodeDetail(fc.FeeCode))" class="btn btn-primary">@fc.FeeCode</a>

I’m afraid that I’m not sure what you are referring.