RadzenDataGrid Deselect Row

Hi, I have a datagrid that I would like to make multiple selection. I'm binding data with OData. So, OData makes paging, filtering etc. itself. I'm not directly binding the whole data because there can be thousands of rows and it makes performance issues, so OData is requesting page by page. Now, the problem is for example I'm selecting rows from page 1 and changing the page. Then when I return to page 1 and want to deselect one of the rows that I selected before but it's not removing the selection. Same thing is happening when I add SelectionMode="DataGridSelectionMode.Multiple" to your OData Service Demo. Do you have any idea how can I solve this problem? Here is the code:

@using RadzenBlazorDemos.Data
@using RadzenBlazorDemos.Models.Northwind

<RadzenDataGrid @ref="grid" @bind-Value=@selectedEmployees SelectionMode="DataGridSelectionMode.Multiple" KeyProperty="EmployeeID" IsLoading="@isLoading" Count="@count" Data="@employees" LoadData="@LoadData" FilterPopupRenderMode="PopupRenderMode.OnDemand" FilterCaseSensitivity="FilterCaseSensitivity.CaseInsensitive" FilterMode="FilterMode.Advanced" AllowSorting="true" AllowFiltering="true" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="4" PagerHorizontalAlign="HorizontalAlign.Center" TItem="Employee" ColumnWidth="200px">
        <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="Employee" Property="EmployeeID" Filterable="false" Title="ID" Frozen="true" Width="50px" TextAlign="TextAlign.Center" />
        <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="Employee" Property="LastName" Title="Last Name" Width="150px"/>
        <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="Employee" Property="TitleOfCourtesy" Title="Title Of Courtesy" />
        <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="Employee" Property="BirthDate" Title="Birth Date" FormatString="{0:d}" />
        <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="Employee" Property="HireDate" Title="Hire Date" FormatString="{0:d}" />
        <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="Employee" Property="Address" Title="Address" />
        <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="Employee" Property="City" Title="City" />
        <RadzenProgressBarCircular ProgressBarStyle="ProgressBarStyle.Primary" Value="100" ShowValue="false" Mode="ProgressBarMode.Indeterminate" />

@code {
    bool isLoading;
    int count;
    ODataEnumerable<Employee> employees;
    IList<Employee> selectedEmployees;
    RadzenDataGrid<Employee> grid;

    NorthwindODataService service = new NorthwindODataService("https://services.radzen.com/odata/Northwind/");

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        await base.OnInitializedAsync();

    async Task LoadData(LoadDataArgs args)
        isLoading = true;

        var result = await service.GetEmployees(filter: args.Filter, top: args.Top, skip: args.Skip, orderby: args.OrderBy, count: true, expand: "NorthwindOrders($expand=Customer)");
        // Update the Data property
        employees = result.Value.AsODataEnumerable();
        // Update the count
        count = result.Count;

        isLoading = false;

Hi @Cervantes,

I was able to reproduce this! Fix will be part of our next update Monday!

Hi @enchev ,

You are amazing! Thank you :blush: