RadzenDataGrid Column SortOrder always null

I wish to preserve the user selected sort from the grid while refreshing the grid data. After applying a sort on a single column the internal sortOrder property can be seen while debugging in VS however the both of the public SortOrder and SortProperty are null, additionally the GetSortOrder call is internal so there is no way to preserve the user defined sort state of the grid.

This post deals with filters which seems to work as expected and I was hoping to extend this by adding the SortOrder property.

Thanks for your answer, I have tried using the LoadData without success, also The Sort event, the problem is SortOrder cannot be assigned to outside the component so how do I re-apply the sort to the users choice of column?

private Tuple<string, SortOrder?> _sort;
        protected void OnSort(DataGridColumnSortEventArgs<ListTill> args)
            _sort = new Tuple<string, SortOrder?>(args.Column.Property, args.SortOrder);

        private async Task RestoreSort()
            if (_sort != null)
                var column = this.grid0.ColumnsCollection.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Property.Equals(_sort.Item1));
                if (column != null)
                    column.SortOrder = _sort.Item2;