
I would like the contents of my column to be right justfied and the title centered. I tried this but it does not work (the ttrle is still right justified)

               <RadzenDataGridColumn Property="BestD_Waarde"
                       <div style="text-align: center !important;">Totaal</div>

You will need to use rz-column-title-content CSS class to achieve this:

Many thanks. For some reason that did not work for me. I add 2 &nbsp's to the titles of my numeric columns and that seems to do the trick. Not ideal, but acceptable for the time being.

You need to set width to 100% for this CSS class and the title will be centered:

Added this to my CSS

.centered-header .rz-column-title-content {
    justify-content: center;
    display: flex;
    width: 100%;

and applied as follows:

<span class="centered-header">

but it did not work out for me.

All columns:

Specific column: