RadzenCheckBoxList databind

I'm unable to bind a RadzenCheckBoxList to an IEnumerable.
I found the Items property but I don't know how bind th RadzenCheckBoxListItem to MyObject property for text and value.

<RadzenCheckBoxList Items="MyObjectIEnumerable" Change="@(args => MyObejctChangeChanged(args, "Ambito"))">

In code:
protected IEnumerable MyObjectIEnumerable{ get; set; } = new List();

protected void MyObejctChangeChanged(IEnumerable value, string str)
... My CODE ...

Lorenzo Soncini

Hi @lorenzo,

Use a @foreach

    @foreach(MyItem item in Items)
           Text=@item.TextProperty Value=@item.ValueProperty />

I receive the error "The child content property 'Items' is set by both the attribute and the element contents." when I try build the project.
My Code:

            <RadzenCheckBoxList Items="MyObjectEnumerable" Change="@(args => MyObjectEnumerableChanged(args, "Ambito"))">
                    @foreach (Library.EnumsString item in Items)
                        <RadzenCheckBoxListItem Text=@item.Descrizione Value=@item.Valore />


The error message describes the problem quite precisely. Delete the Items attribute as per my code example.

I have already tried and the error is:

CS0411 The type arguments for method TypeInference.CreateRadzenCheckBoxList_0(RenderTreeBuilder, int, int, EventCallback<IEnumerable>, int, RenderFragment)' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.

There is some place with working example?

I have solved. Is not able to use MyObject so I need specitfy TValue as string.

Working code:

                <RadzenCheckBoxList TValue="string">
                        @foreach (Library.MyObject item in MyObjectEnumerable )
                            <RadzenCheckBoxListItem Text=@item.Descrizione Value=@item.Valore />
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