RadzenChart - Sorting behavior of Category Axis

In the default example for the Line Chart (https://blazor.radzen.com/line-chart?theme=standard)

if you remove the first DataItem from the revenue2023 array

// remove this:
new DataItem
Date = "Jan",
Revenue = 234000

and if you remove the last DataItem from the revenue2024 array

//remove this:
new DataItem
Date = "Dec",
Revenue = 394000

then the chart is rendered as shown below:

as you can see, Dec is now placed before Nov. Undesired behavior.

what would be the solution to this issue if both datasets are already being provided with the desired ordering?

I tried to fill in the gap in both datasets by ensuring they both contain the same quantity of DataItems in their arrays with the same Date values in the same order with the caveat that the Revenue value is null for the DataItem previously removed from each dataset--but the RadzenChart doesn't seem to like null values for the Value (Revenue) property even when declaring the property as nullable (double?).

Is there another way to tell RadzenChart: "hey don't render this item on the value axis" or maybe an alternative way to solve this issue that doesn't require filling in the gaps between two datasets?

Thanks in advance. this is my first post so also worth giving praise to the radzen blazor component library. amazing effort and quality. truly appreciated

Hi @anieldev,

Indeed RadzenChart does not support gaps (or null values) in the series. There isn't a workaround for that.

thanks for the reply @korchev !

for anyone else who may stumble on this issue, i found a workaround. I call it a work around because although it is quite straightforward for this toy example of the Line Chart shown in the Radzen documentation, it is not so trivial in real world use-cases like the one i find myself in. Nonetheless, this solution should generalize to most if not all usecases


  • map your category axis labels to a sequence of integers with a fixed step-size between each integer (the easiest would be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc..). the reason for this is because RadzenChart seems to have the desired behavior when sorting numerical types.
  • set the Step size to 1 on the RadzenCategoyAxis component to ensure all your category labels are shown and none are skipped.
  • create a method that handles decoding the integer to your desired string by setting a delegate to the Formatter property of the RadzenCategoryAxis component.

For the default Line Chart Example, the encoding scheme is simple enough:
1 = "Jan", 2 = "Feb", 3 = "Mar", etc..

here is the full code of the default Line Chart example adapted with the solution described above:

@using System.Globalization

<RadzenStack class="rz-p-0 rz-p-md-6 rz-p-lg-12">
    <RadzenCard Variant="Variant.Outlined">
        <RadzenStack Orientation="Orientation.Horizontal" AlignItems="AlignItems.Center" Wrap="FlexWrap.Wrap">
            <RadzenStack Orientation="Orientation.Horizontal" AlignItems="AlignItems.Center" Gap="0.5rem">
                <RadzenCheckBox @bind-Value="@smooth" Name="smooth"></RadzenCheckBox>
                <RadzenLabel Text="Smooth" Component="smooth" />
            <RadzenStack Orientation="Orientation.Horizontal" AlignItems="AlignItems.Center" Gap="0.5rem">
                <RadzenCheckBox @bind-Value="@showDataLabels" Name="dataLabels"></RadzenCheckBox>
                <RadzenLabel Text="Show Data Labels" Component="dataLabels" />
            <RadzenStack Orientation="Orientation.Horizontal" AlignItems="AlignItems.Center" Gap="0.5rem">
                <RadzenCheckBox @bind-Value="@showMarkers" Name="markers"></RadzenCheckBox>
                <RadzenLabel Text="Show Markers" Component="markers" />
            <RadzenStack Orientation="Orientation.Horizontal" AlignItems="AlignItems.Center" Gap="0.5rem">
                <RadzenCheckBox @bind-Value="@sharedTooltip" Name="sharedToltip"></RadzenCheckBox>
                <RadzenLabel Text="Shared Tooltip" Component="sharedTooltip" />

        <RadzenChartTooltipOptions Shared="@sharedTooltip" />
        <RadzenLineSeries Smooth="@smooth" Data="@revenue2023" CategoryProperty="Date" Title="2023" LineType="LineType.Dashed" ValueProperty="Revenue">
            <RadzenMarkers Visible="@showMarkers" MarkerType="MarkerType.Square" />
            <RadzenSeriesDataLabels Visible="@showDataLabels" />
        <RadzenLineSeries Smooth="@smooth" Data="@revenue2024" CategoryProperty="Date" Title="2024" ValueProperty="Revenue">
            <RadzenMarkers Visible="@showMarkers" MarkerType="MarkerType.Circle" />
            <RadzenSeriesDataLabels Visible="@showDataLabels" />
        <RadzenCategoryAxis Padding="20" Step="1" Formatter="GetMonthAbbreviation"/>
        <RadzenValueAxis Formatter="@FormatAsUSD">
            <RadzenGridLines Visible="true" />
            <RadzenAxisTitle Text="Revenue in USD" />

@code {
    bool smooth = false;
    bool sharedTooltip = true;
    bool showDataLabels = false;
    bool showMarkers = true;

    public string GetMonthAbbreviation(object value)
    int month = Convert.ToInt32(value);
    // Validate the input.
    if (month < 1 || month > 12)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(month), "Month must be between 1 and 12.");

    // Define an array where the index (0-based) corresponds to the month (1-based).
    string[] monthNames = new string[]
        "Jan",  // 1
        "Feb",  // 2
        "Mar",  // 3
        "Apr",  // 4
        "May",  // 5
        "Jun",  // 6
        "Jul",  // 7
        "Aug",  // 8
        "Sept", // 9
        "Oct",  // 10
        "Nov",  // 11
        "Dec"   // 12

    // Return the corresponding month abbreviation.
    return monthNames[month - 1];

    class DataItem
        public int Date { get; set; }
        public double Revenue { get; set; }

    string FormatAsUSD(object value)
        return ((double)value).ToString("C0", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"));

    DataItem[] revenue2023 = new DataItem[] {
        new DataItem
            Date = 2,
            Revenue = 269000
        new DataItem
            Date = 3,
            Revenue = 233000
        new DataItem
            Date = 4,
            Revenue = 244000
        new DataItem
            Date = 5,
            Revenue = 214000
        new DataItem
            Date = 6,
            Revenue = 253000
        new DataItem
            Date = 7,
            Revenue = 274000
        new DataItem
            Date = 8,
            Revenue = 284000
        new DataItem
            Date = 9,
            Revenue = 273000
        new DataItem
            Date = 10,
            Revenue = 282000
        new DataItem
            Date = 11,
            Revenue = 289000
        new DataItem
            Date = 12,
            Revenue = 294000

    DataItem[] revenue2024 = new DataItem[] {
        new DataItem
            Date = 1,
            Revenue = 334000
        new DataItem
            Date = 2,
            Revenue = 369000
        new DataItem
            Date = 3,
            Revenue = 333000
        new DataItem
            Date = 4,
            Revenue = 344000
        new DataItem
            Date = 5,
            Revenue = 314000
        new DataItem
            Date = 6,
            Revenue = 353000
        new DataItem
            Date = 7,
            Revenue = 374000
        new DataItem
            Date = 8,
            Revenue = 384000
        new DataItem
            Date = 9,
            Revenue = 373000
        new DataItem
            Date = 10,
            Revenue = 382000
        new DataItem
            Date = 11,
            Revenue = 389000

here is the chart rendered with both the missing gaps in data and the category labels correctly sorted: