RadzenChart, RadzenLineSeries handle null value

is there a way to handle NULL (int?) value?

I use RadzenChart, RadzenLineSeries implementation :slight_smile:


At the moment - no. You will have to filter the null values out before setting the Data of the series.

Ok, thanks for the hint!

Any suggestion on how to handle a case when you are displaying two line series but one only has data starting from 2020, and another goes back to 2015? in this case the nulls are valid for some columns of Data but not others.

I am not sure what you mean. Series don't have to start at the same date.

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Duh, I didn't even think to filter the table separately for each column.

Data="DataTableNoNullsForColumnA" ValueProperty="A"
Data="DataTableNoNullsForColumnB" ValueProperty="B"

I'm using both Chart and DataGrid on same page and forgot that one you pass the DataTable once to the RadzenDataGrid, but many times in the RadzenChart.