RadzenChart Columns position issue

HI, i have a similar problem: Column chart - Half of first column missing
All columns are shifted to the right:

And with only one series:

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-12 my-5">
                @foreach (var data in ProjectsOverviewFilteredGrouped)
                    <RadzenColumnSeries Data=@data
                        <TooltipTemplate Context="data">
                            Menge: @(data.Amount.ToString("#,##0.####") + " €" ?? "Unknown")
                <RadzenColumnOptions Radius="3"/>
                    <RadzenGridLines Visible="true"/>
                    <RadzenAxisTitle Text="€"/>
                <RadzenCategoryAxis Step="1">
                    <RadzenTicks Stroke="green" StrokeWidth="2"></RadzenTicks>
                    <RadzenAxisTitle Text="Monat"/>

    Summe: <span style="font-weight:bold">@SumChartOverall</span><span style="font-weight:bold"> €</span>

Columns are shifted to the right because you have two series. What are the second series values? The category '10' shows two series which is the correct display.

You didn't understood the problem.
On the 2nd chart columns of category 1 is cut off (see referenced post), what leads to the issue when you have 2 series where on the 1st chart column of category 1 and series 2021 is not visible. The same is with the category 12, but on this images I don't have data for category 12.

Oh I understand the problem very well and I explained what is causing it - missing (or 0) value for the second series. RadzenChart leaves spaces for the second series always regardless if it has data for it or not.

Ok, I will try one more time: why category 1 column of series 2021 is not visible, i.e. why is column cut-off?

This is perfectly clear and make sense.

Fixed by add Padding:

                <RadzenCategoryAxis Step="1" Padding="100">
                    <RadzenTicks Stroke="green" StrokeWidth="2"></RadzenTicks>
                    <RadzenAxisTitle Text="Monat"/>