RadzenCard style visualization issue

Hello. I am trying to get RadzenCard to my new Blazor app. Its my first try to use this framework. I just downloaded Radzen.Blazer library package thru the NUGet tool. Included in _Imports.razor file.

I experience issues, that the displayed component does not look like in the example page I found in Radzen documentation. I implement this code:

@code {
AlignItems alignItems = AlignItems.Normal;
JustifyContent justifyContent = JustifyContent.Normal;
string gap = "1rem";

But result looks like this:

Please, can someone tell me, what I am doing wrong?

Hi @ZdenekNovotny,

You have probably not included a theme CSS file. Please check the getting started instructions.

Thanks a lot. It helped. Probably I missed this step after installation.