RadzenButton looks like a hyperlink

Is there a way to convert the RadzenButton appearing like a hyperlink. I am currently using DialogService to open a new modal by using the . Currently, it is a button. I would like to make the button appearing like hyperlink. Thanks a lot for your help!
public async Task OpenUrlLink()
await DialogService.OpenAsync($" Website Leave Notification:",
new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "ExternalUrl", ExternalUrl },
{ "ExtSiteName", ExtSiteName },
{ "ShowDoiLabel", ShowDoiLabelFlag },
new DialogOptions() { Width = "700px", Height = "350px", CloseDialogOnOverlayClick = true, Resizable = true, Draggable = true });

This thread might help you:

An approach can be to use existing Radzen classes and it seems to make the button look like a RadzenLink component.

Added styles using existing Radzen classes. Added rz-link to the RadzenButton class attribute and Variant needs to be Variant.Text.

Sample code:

> <div>
>     <style>
>         .rz-button.rz-link {
>             background: none!important;
>         }
>         .rz-button.rz-link .rz-button-text {
>             color: var(--rz-link-color);
>         }
>         .rz-button.rz-link:hover .rz-button-text {
>             text-decoration: underline!important;
>         }
>     </style>
> <RadzenButton Text="Order details" Variant="Variant.Text" class="rz-link" />
> </div>