RadzenAutoComplete MaxLength

Hi. I'm currently working on a way to use your components to input arbitrary values, being able to search and view them to the user from a list and optionally saving that input if it does not exist.

The component that made the most sense was your RadzenAutoComplete component.
What I am missing right now is an option to set its max length attribute.
I saw that behind the autocomplete there is either an input tag or a textarea tag. Both of which do have the maxlength constraint in RadzenTextBox and RadzenTextArea for example.

Would you consider to add the maxlength attribute and serve it as a parameter for RadzenAutoComplete or is there an issue that speaks against that? I think this would be generally helpful, but I would also like to understand if that's not in any scope and I'm overlooking something.


We will gladly accept pull request!

Hello, you still can achieve this with some javascript :

protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)

window.YourProject = {
setMaxLength: function (id, maxLength) {
$('#' + id).attr('maxlength', maxLength);

Hello Raphaël,

while this is true and I did not think about that I would expect max length of every textbox-like to be considered standard behavior.

As far as I know this is already merged.
I think this would be an interesting discussion but my ultimate opinion probably will boil down to "I don't want to use JS".
