Radzen5 installation problems

Hi everybody!.

I´m promotion to Radzen 5, and I´m following the get started steps in offcial page of Radzen.
I have two problems to implement the necessary changes.

When it says:

3. Include a themelink

Open _Host.cshtml and add this code within the <head> element:

<component type="typeof(RadzenTheme)" render-mode="ServerPrerendered" param-Theme="@("material")" />

I have problems with RadzenTheme. with error "don´t found type of space name.

Later, when it says:

Open the Program.cs file and include:


In this case I´m not sure where it paste
builder.Services.AddRadzenComponents();, because I have paste it in main method in Program.cs and it appears an error that says, builder doesn´t exists.

Could any help me please?

You should import the required namespaces of course - Radzen.Blazor.

Your application is probably created without a top-level Program.cs. You probably have Startup.cs or something. I any case find the place where you register all other services.

Yes you are all in truth!, It´s all solved.

Thank´s a lot!