What are the limits on the Radzen Treeview in terms of node count? Using the same code found on Blazor Tree Component - Tri-state Checkboxes | Free UI Components by Radzen, I am able to get it to work without issues. But once I connect to my data of over 12,000+ items, issues start happening with the tracking of the selected checkboxes.
The tree loads with all the nodes, but once a checkbox is selected, there is a looooong pause before I can make another selection. To the point that the browser message stating no response pops up (and I have to tell it to wait)
Once the page unfreezes after some time, then I can continue making checkbox changes without issue. Its always right at the beginning.
If I remove the code that keeps track of the selections, the checkbox changes work as expected. I tried changing the the way the checked boxes are captured, but it gives the same problem. Seems like whenever I do something with captured checkboxes, there is a long pause at first.
IEnumerable<object> CheckedValues
get => checkedValues;
checkedValues = value;
if (checkedValues != null)
console.Log($"CheckedValues Changed {string.Join(Environment.NewLine, value.Select(GetText))}");